Audi Activesphere


Audi does not fail to impress. Audi’s new EV concept, the Activesphere, is both beautiful and powerful, and shows the company’s innovation and creativity.

Though many brands are showing off their vision for the future with concept cars, like the BMW Dee, Audi is always a step ahead of the game. The Activesphere is the company’s new concept SUV, but can also be converted into a 4-person pick up truck. The car is the fourth model in the series, following the Skysphere, Grandsphere, and the Urbansphere.

The car will have a range of over 350 miles and will be a Level 4 self-drviing-capable-vehicle. In other words, the car would be able to drive itself to a majority of destinations. When in the self driving mode, the car retracts driving controls, hiding the steering wheel, gas pedals, and other knobs.

The Activesphere is also the first car to include an intergration with augmented reality. With Audi’s special glasses, drivers will be able to have a more interactive experience, eliminating the need for screens (which Audi has gotten rid of for this concept).

The car is a big competitor for other pick-up trucks like the Tesla Cybertruck, Rivian R1S and Jeep Recon. The car is meant to be driven off road. When going off the main road, the car rises and the base transforms to make hte carmore rugged.


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