Nividh Singh’s Portfolio
This is a portfolio of all my Engineering projects, ranging from mechanical to software. All the projects are below, with links to more information about the projects.
You can also see articles I’m featured in here
Micro Blog Website
Developed a dynamic blogging platform, empowering users to seamlessly create accounts featuring personalized informational bios, publish engaging blog posts, and efficiently revert to previous versions of the about-me sectiontion goes here
Aerobrake System
Built an active aerobrake system that controlled the rocket’s ascent. The system actively predicts the rocket's apogee. If this is higher than the goal apogee, the system deploys three fins to increase the surface area of the rocket. This increases the drag, decreasing the projected apogee.
2022-23 NASA SLI Rocket
Led a team to design, simulat, build, test, and successfully launch a rocket for the NASA SLI 2022-23 Challenge. Won the Payload Design Award. The rocket was about seven feet and went about 3,500 feet into the air.
Hobby Hub
Built a mobile app using Xamarin and google's Fire Base Server to connect people based on their hobbies
Project: Analyzing Wake Behind a Rocket
This project involved enhancing the safety of rocket payloads by modulating the length of the riser to control the descent of entry vehicles. The project analyzed the turbulent air that a body produces behind it, and how it affects the drag force of an object traveling behind it.
Lane Detection Algorithm
Wrote a program that detects the lane in real time
2021-22 NASA SLI Rocket
Led a team to design, simulat, build, test, and successfully launch a rocket for the NASA SLI 2022-23 Challenge. The rocket was about seven feet and went about 5,500 feet into the air.
Doge Coin Prediction Algorithm
Developed a program that uses ARIMA (an ML model) to predict the future price of Dogecoin given past data.
Service Project: Eagle Scout Project
One of the biggest parts of my journey toward becoming an Eagle Scout is an Eagle Project. This involves leading a project to benefit a non-profit organization. For my Eagle Project, I built four benches for the Portland Chapter of the Audubon Society.
Hoping to spread my passion for the automotive industry, I started a blog ( about new cars, their technology, and their history. Initially aiming to post once a week, I didn’t realize how much I’d love it. From discovering a passion for writing about innovation to creating a global community of car enthusiasts, blogging has become more than a simple outlet.. It intersects my