Nividh Singh’s Eagle Project

Who am I?

My name is Nividh Singh, and Boy Scout in Troop 208. I’m a Life Scout working towards my Eagle Rank. I’ve been a scout in Troop 208 for the last six years, and have held a variety of leadership positions including SPL (The highest leadership rank in the troop).

What is the Audubon Society?

The National Audubon Society is an American non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the conservation of birds and their habitats. Audubon is a respected and influential voice on public policy issues, from town halls to the U.S. Capitol. The Audubon Society also has one of the biggest networks of size, reach, scale, influence, diversity, and creative energy. Incorporated in 1905, the Audobon Society is one of the oldest non-profits in the United States. The society has nearly 500 local chapters, which often organize field trips and other conservation-related activities.

What is my Eagle Project?

One of the biggest parts of my journey toward becoming an Eagle Scout is an Eagle Project. This involves leading a project to benefit a non-profit organization. For my Eagle Project, I built four benches for the Portland Chapter of the Audubon Society. These benches will be about eight feet wide and are intended to go to the Sanctuary. I chose this project because these benches will allow more people to enjoy the nature and scenery these trails have to offer. These benches will hopefully allow more people to take a break from their lives, and enjoy nature. This project has been approved by the Cascade Pacific Council in BSA Scouting and the Audubon Society.


We successfully delivered the benches to Audubon Portland on August 16th, 2022.